Human Gallery - joseba Etxebarria Photography


HUMAN Gallery- Joseba Etxebarria Photography is located in Battambang Provincial town. It is on Road No 1.5, Battambang Province. Human Gallary is where Joseba Etxebarria displays all of his best portraits photo that was taken while he was travel around the world. Moreover, HUMAN Gallery postcards, pictures, and books are not available in online stores.

Impressive and heart warming of Joseba Gallery


The human gallery permanently exposes the work of international humanitarian photographer Joseba Etxebarria. The gallery was founded in 2017 by the photographer born in Bilbao, Spain. Joseba Etxebarria has lived in Cambodia since 2015. Joseba gave the traveler a personal overview of everything he has tried to achieve and how he and his partners have helped the Cambodian community as well as he has a beautiful history and social project. Most of the people had visited at Human Gallery they very proud of Joseba all his action was touching their hearts. If all travelers would know-how is those feelings don't miss your Human Gallery in Battambang Province!
