Chrok La Eang Waterfall
Chrok La Eang Waterfall
is the attraction waterfall by local tourist where have location in Thnal Village, Chom Hom Commune, Krakor District, Pursat province. Chrok La Eang Waterfall is in the category of the waterfall, and natural tourism site. Things to do, as well as the attractions of Chrok La Eang Rapids for tourists such as swimming, picnic and more.
For the trip to the location of Chrok La Eang Waterfall is good destination for adventure it is very easy because it is not necessary to walk and cross the river or take a boat. For parking, tourists can park directly at the location.
For a relaxing seating area, Chrok La Eang Rapids has a seating area for tourists, and there is also order food directly from there. Besides Chrok La Eang Waterfall also have a great food ordering or food stations but for the canteen and restaurant are not exist. However For accommodation, Chrok La Eang Rapids is not available yet such as bungalow, guesthouse, and hotel.