High point Adventure Rope Park in Koh Rongwas constructed to take advantage of all those views and to give everyone who spends time on the island, a way to see views in every direction. Now, the island of Koh Rong is approximately seventy square kilometers, but since there are no massive buildings or other obstructions, people can see it all when they are taking advantage of everything the park has to offer.

Here is what visitors will see when they are spending time at High Point Advantage Park: -The jungle, which is basically a lush rain forest. -Twenty-eight gorgeous sandy beaches that lead to sparkling water. -One small village -Numerous fishing communities -Guest houses -Beach hut bungalows -A few restaurants -Water for miles out in the sea

Those who want to give High Point Adventure Park a try can purchase their tickets right at the park, or they can get them at the Koh Rong Dive Center and many of the hostels and resorts on the island. Each ticket is good for a full day, which is excellent because no one leaves after just a couple hours. That ticket price includes a person’s admission into the park, as well as the necessary safety equipment, a High Point Adventure Park t-shirt, a banana, and water. The park is open from nine in the morning until six in the evening and twelve people can be in each group. Everyone must climb up with a group and the group start times are at half past nine, half past ten, one in the afternoon, half past one, and four in the afternoon. Anyone who wants an even better experience will want to check into the Jungle After Dark and Sunrise in the Jungle options.