Kirirom National Park is one of the categories of the mountain was attraction by local tourist and foreigner. Kirirom National Park is on Kirirom Mountain, in Oamrei Phong village, Kirirom commune, Phnom Sruoch district, about 117 kilometers southwest of Phnom Penh.
Traveling to Kirom National Park during the rainy season is the first time for me, but I can say it’s a new experience for me I can see what’s the real view of nature that always keeping my eyes with the green nature view.
Nowadays Kirirom national park is the top popular for local tourists exploring camping on the weekend and public holidays. That is very unexpected that how can I see there are many group people they are going camping around there.
My Journey to Kirirom Nation Park was very amazing to take a ride for a round trip is about 222 kilometers in a day to escape from the city. That is an amazing journey for me I have learned a lot from travel in this area, So how is going on for my Round trip to Kirirom National Park during the rainy season?


Take a trip to Kirirom National Park by Moto is good then there are many things enjoyed a lot since a trip distance from Phnom Penh after I arrived at Kirom National Park area I have to keep my own with the green grass are growing along the way. After a long drive to the Kirirom Mountain area, you will get cold weather and refreshing from nature.
There is only Cambodia Food available so most travelers are buying food downstair before going to the top of the Kirirom Mountain due to they think that food service at the top of the mountain is more expensive. But on that, I have tried the popular food there is called "Majo Jruk Prey" that provided by the owner sitting area along the waterfall on the top of the mountain. The price is about 50000 rile/plat (12.5$). This popular food does not recommence foreign tourists.